Business Continuity Plan (BCP) To Beat COVID-19 Pandemic

On 7th February 2020, Ministry of Health has announced that they have raised their Risk Management level to DORSCON Orange.
Lim Kim Hai Electric Co (S) Pte Ltd is implementing the following practice with immediate effect.
- Minimize physical exposure to external parties. Meetings held within our premises will be reduced and where possible, use of web conferencing software and/or equipment such as Google Hangouts, Team Viewer, WhatsApp etc to conduct the meeting.
- Any visitors entering our premises will have to make travel and health declarations by filling their particulars in the logbook located at the entrance of each office space. This is compiled for contract tracing following MOH guidelines. The temperature will also be taken and recorded in the logbook. If your temperature reading is consistently higher than 37.5degC, we reserve the right to deny entry to our premises.
- All deliveries and good collection will be from our respective logistics offices. Cooperate with our logistics staff so that we can provide quick and efficient service while within our scope or risk mitigation.
- Public spaces will be cleaned and sanitized more frequently during this period.
- All employees must declare to HR department on travel plans whilst the DORSCON level remains at Orange or above.
- To manage the risk of quarantine due to possible contact with a person infected with COVID-19, suspected or confirmed, the employees will be divided into 2 teams who will be operating on different levels within our building. This is to minimize the physical interaction between the teams. All other employees, who have a need to meet with business partners and customers will be operating from outside our premises and will pick up documents and goods from the logistics warehouse. When absolutely required to return to the office, they will only be limited to level 8 and will need to sanitize their hands with the provided hand sanitizers and wear surgical masks whilst within the premises.
Thank you for your patience and understanding
Best Regards,
Gerald Cheng
Senior Manager – Operations