Unleash the Power of UV-C Light
Date : 19 August 2022, Friday
Time : 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Venue : 622 Lor 1 Toa Payoh, Philips Lighting Application Centre 319763
Happy hour snacks and free gifts will be provided for all the attendees, and three lucky winners will walk away with Philips products in a Lucky Draw!
As seats are limited, please confirm your participation as early as possible for further arrangement. Thank you.

About UV-C Disinfection
With the current Covid-19 situation arriving at an endemic level in Singapore, we are starting to feel a level of normalcy that has been restored. This feeling should not give way to complacency that may lead to an increased spread.
While individuals and their actions remain accountable to curbing the spread, space owners have a role to play. Several anti-bacterial measures have been introduced over time to disinfect surfaces, however the airborne transmission of viruses is a real threat in enclosed spaces such as offices, factories, retail, hospitality, and more.
UVC-A Air Disinfection is a comprehensive solution to address airborne transmission of pathogens. It reduces airborne pathogens by greater than 99.99%.
Attend this event to find how UV-C Disinfection can improve the safety of your space for employees and visitors alike. Together with Signify, we will demonstrate how UV-C light works to kill pathogens and provide clean air for all by welcoming a third-party lab to test the air. Signify will also conduct a tour to demonstrate how they employ UV-C technology within their own office.
Get your questions answered while you browse an exciting showcase of innovations.